Heritage volunteers
Arts Society Heritage Volunteers are busy across the country and abroad working in many different roles. From conserving and caring for collections, recording artefacts and documents, to guiding and stewarding, providing an invaluable service to museums, historic houses, archives, libraries and gardens and allowing precious resources to be allocated to other critical areas.
Arts Society Wolverhampton Heritage Volunteers have worked on researching the previous owners of Compton Hall, a local hospice known as Compton Care, which excitingly still has some evidence of the Morris & Company refurbishment of 1895/6. William Morris visited the Hall in 1985 and the last fabric design which he was involved with before he died is actually called Compton.
There are now six Heritage boards on the walls of the Compton Care coffee shop in the Lodge to give information and interest about Compton Hall.

Community Arts
Arts Volunteers provide exciting projects and activities aimed at fostering a love of the arts amongst the young. Previously called Young Arts, the programme has been renamed Arts Volunteers to enable us to work more freely promoting art to all age groups.
Wolverhampton Arts Society are always looking for ways in which the Society can be involved and support the community and provide an experience of art in all its forms.
We have partnered and provided prizes for the Art Exhibition held at Wolverhampton Grammar School for 6th form art from across the city. Also we have funded a craft event for members of Mencap Wolverhampton’s Gateway Club whose members have learning difficulties. This event was very successful and enjoyed by the participants.
We continue to look for opportunities to introduce art in all its various forms to members of the community who might otherwise not have the chance to participate in events, particularly those who may be disadvantaged in some way.
We are currently devising our future programme, so if you would like to get involved, please contact us…